Demystifying managed care: Practical information

Understanding the type of care provided through your health care policy can be complex. All the different types of managed care have different rules, and you need to do different things to get services covered. At Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, we are independent insurance agents who work for our customers and will do our best to guide you through all the intricacies of managed care.

Health insurance policies offer three major types of managed care: HMO, PPO, and POS.


HMO stands for Health Maintenance Organization. This type of healthcare plan is the most restrictive. You will receive a list of participating healthcare providers that you can use. Your preferred doctor may or may not be on the list. You will need to choose a primary care physician who will coordinate your healthcare. You will need to get all healthcare within the network except in the case of an emergency.


PPO stands for Preferred Provider Organization. This type of managed care allows for a lot more flexibility. You pay the least if you remain in the network, but you can see any healthcare provider that you desire. You don’t need to get a referral to see a specialist.


POS stands for Point of Service. It is not as restricted as an HMO but not as flexible as a PPO. It actually allows you to choose which one you want, HMO or PPO, on each occasion. However, you will need to get a referral to see a specialist, so you need to have a primary care physician.

Contact our dedicated team at Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, to help you understand your managed care options and choose the right coverage choice.

What are the different kinds of beneficiaries, and who can all be listed?

When it comes to life insurance, we at Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, understand that you want to ensure your loved ones are taken care of after your passing. We specialize in helping you organize your life benefits so that your wishes can be carried out without issue upon your death.

You can designate life insurance benefits to an individual or multiple people, a trust, or an organization. Whoever you decide to leave these benefits to is called the policy beneficiary. But what happens if circumstances change before your passing and you haven’t had a chance to update your policy to reflect these changes? In that case, you can opt to list more than one type of beneficiary on your policy.

There are several types of beneficiaries on a life insurance policy: primary beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries, irrevocable beneficiaries, and revocable ones.

Primary Beneficiary

A primary beneficiary is the first person or entity listed on the policy to receive benefits. For example, some people may list their spouses as primary beneficiaries. It’s important to note that you can list multiple primary beneficiaries.

Contingent Beneficiary

This type of beneficiary is considered a backup beneficiary if the primary listed on the policy cannot receive the benefits. For instance, children can be listed as contingent beneficiaries when a spouse, who was the primary beneficiary, has passed away.

Irrevocable Beneficiary

An irrevocable beneficiary is a beneficiary whose status on the policy cannot be removed without their consent. They have rights and control over certain aspects of the life insurance policy.

Revocable Beneficiary

A revocable beneficiary can be removed from the policy by the policyholder without their consent.

Learn More About Beneficiaries

To learn more about life insurance beneficiaries and for any other questions and concerns, call us today at Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, at (866) 918-9938.

When is it a good idea to start looking for auto insurance?

Living in New Windsor, NY, requires appropriate insurance coverage, especially for your vehicle. If you need auto insurance, it’s always a good idea to start looking early. There are several situations when shopping for a new plan is advisable.

When Purchasing a New Car

One of the situations when you should start looking for coverage is when you get a new vehicle. Whether you are buying or leasing a new or used car, you need to be prepared to insure it. Speaking with a local agent will help you understand coverage options and costs. It will also allow you to compare your options and shop around to ensure you get the best deal.

When Your Policy is Maturing

Auto insurance policies typically last for 6 months. While many will auto-renew, often at a higher cost, you are not obligated to renew the plan. If your policy is expiring, it doesn’t hurt to shop around and look for different options. This could help you save money or adjust your plan based on your changing needs.

There is never a bad time to look for a new auto insurance plan. Whether you are looking to get a new plan or replace an existing one, you should call our team at Kalare Tech. Our professionals can help those in the New Windsor, NY area assess all of their options and build an ideal policy. This can provide all the support you need to ensure you remain adequately covered.

What Business Type Needs Commercial Insurance

First-time business owners have plenty on their plate. The first decision before opening the doors is figuring out the type of insurance coverage for their business. Kalare Tech of New Windsor, NY has the knowledge and experience to show how commercial insurance ensures your business is well-protected.

What is Commercial Insurance?

All businesses that operate in a home, warehouse, or office space should have a commercial insurance policy. It protects you from financial losses following unexpected events (lawsuits, work-related accidents, or natural disasters) happening to your business. The policy should have general liability coverage, as commercial insurance is intended to protect a business and not an individual. Your coverage fills the gap in separating your personal and business assets. It allows you to operate without the threat of financial catastrophe.

Do Home-Based Businesses Need Commercial Insurance?

Every home-based business should have a commercial insurance policy that works in unison with the policyholder’s homeowners insurance policy. The additional coverage protects business equipment, inventory, and property damage. Your commercial insurance policy should have liability coverage if legal action is brought against your business. A former employee could file a lawsuit after sustaining a work-related injury. A former client could sue if they were dissatisfied with the service. Commercial insurance will cover all legal fees, medical expenses, and lost wages.

Is Commercial Insurance Good For Self-Employed Businesses?

Self-employed business owners should protect themselves from general, product, and professional liability. Since you are the sole employee, commercial insurance protects you if you cannot work for an extended time. The amount of coverage should include protection from unexpected costs in running a business.

Owning a small business can be demanding. You want to protect your assets with an effective commercial insurance policy. Kalare Tech of New Windsor, NY, can offer reasonable options that fit your insurance needs. Call and schedule an appointment today.

Understanding Basic Home Insurance Requirements for New Windsor Homeowners

Residents living near New Windsor, NY, need to protect their home investment with a proper home insurance policy. While it’s not required by law in New York, those with a mortgage may be required to obtain homeowners insurance, depending on their chosen lender. Knowing the basic home insurance requirements for New Windsor, NY, homeowners is essential to ensure your home and personal property are always protected.

What’s Typically Covered?

When obtaining a traditional homeowners insurance policy in New Windsor, NY, traditional damage from storms, theft, fire, vandalism, and natural disasters are typically covered. Because New Windsor is no stranger to heavy winds and snow storms, adequate protection is essential.

Liability and Personal Property Coverage

In addition to covering your home’s foundation and structure with a standard homeowners insurance policy, most policies also include personal property coverage and general liability. Liability insurance protects you if someone is injured or hurt on your property with regard to medical and legal bills. Personal property coverage protects any personal belongings you may keep in your home, including furniture, clothing, and even electronics.

Earthquake and Flood Insurance

Despite a standard homeowners insurance policy in New Windsor, NY, floods and earthquakes are not typically covered. Depending on where your property is located, you may want to invest in additional earthquake or flood insurance, which will require you to purchase additional policies. Working with your insurance agency or agent directly can help you compare your options and policy add-ons that may benefit you.

If you’re located near New Windsor, NY, and you’re investing in a home or searching for homeowners insurance, Kalare Tech can help. Contact Kalare Tech today to learn more about your options for homeowners insurance in New Windsor, NY.

What is Better: A Low-Deductible or High-Deductible Plan?

Deciding on a health insurance plan for yourself or your family in New Windsor, NY, involves considering multiple factors, including the deductible. This represents the amount a policyholder must pay for covered healthcare services before the insurance begins to cover costs. Choosing between a high-deductible or low-deductible plan can be challenging, but the experts at Kalare Tech are here to help.

Accounting for Multiple Factors

Premium size influences deductible size — a higher premium usually means a lower deductible. Another important aspect to consider is your out-of-pocket maximum, the total annual amount you pay (excluding monthly premiums). It includes doctor visit co-pays and co-insurance. The sum you pay for premiums and co-payments contributes to your deductible.

High-Deductible Vs. Low-Deductible Plans

With a high-deductible plan, you are responsible for a greater share of out-of-pocket costs if and when they occur. These plans suit healthy individuals and families who primarily require preventative health care. Many of these plans allow the establishment of a Health Savings Account (HSA) for co-pays and co-insurance expenses.

Low-deductible plans compensate through higher premiums but require less upfront money before your insurance begins to take effect. These plans are ideal for individuals with ongoing healthcare needs, even though you might end up paying significantly more if you require minimal healthcare.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when choosing a health insurance plan. Evaluate your health situation and budget carefully before making a decision, keeping in mind that your plan can be switched if your circumstances change.

Let the experts at Kalare Tech, serving the residents of New Windsor, NY, help you find a health insurance plan that suits your unique situation. Call us today to get started.

How much life insurance is enough?

Life insurance and the amount that you need are very personal matters. What is right for one person might be totally wrong for another. At Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, we can help you come up with a figure that will provide the protection you need for your loved ones while being affordable.

How to Figure Out How Much Is Enough

To decide how much life insurance is enough, you must first ask yourself, who depends on my income to live? This is a very important figure. You will need less life insurance if only one person depends on you than if six people are counting on your income. Once you have that figure, you need to consider your income. If you make $250,000, you will need to get more life insurance than if you make $50,000.

The final figure you need is how long you will need to provide support. If your children are infants, you will need to provide support for a long time. Do you anticipate having to provide 100% of the support, or will your partner be working? Do you want to allow a few years at 100% income replacement and then less as the children grow older?

The Final Figure

Okay, now that you have asked yourself the correct questions, you need to take the answers and come up with a figure. Experts estimate that you should have 10 times your annual income in life insurance with another year to provide for their education. If you make $50,000, you should have a minimum of $600,000 in term life insurance for one child and an additional $100,000 for each additional child.

To find out more about life insurance, contact our office at Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY.

Types of auto coverage you may need or want

Understand the New York State Minimum Auto Insurance Coverage with Kalare Tech

You must have auto insurance to drive a vehicle in New York legally. The state-mandated minimum coverage is $10,000 for property damage per accident, $25,000 for bodily injury and, $50,000 for the death of a person involved in an accident, $50,000 for bodily injury, and $100,000 for the death of two or more people in an accident. At Kalare Tech, located in New Windsor, NY, we are an independent insurance agency offering our service to all our valued customers.

Optional Insurance Coverage

You can purchase additional insurance to protect your vehicle beyond just liability coverage. This includes collision and comprehensive insurance coverage.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage protects your vehicle in the event of a crash with another vehicle or a stationary object. It also covers your vehicle if you’re the victim of a hit-and-run incident. A deductible applies every time you make a claim.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle for damages beyond your control or theft, including flooding, hail damage, falling branches, cracked windshields, and even vandalism. There is also a deductible linked to comprehensive coverage.

Deciding on Adequate Auto Insurance Coverage

Contact Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY with any questions or concerns about your auto insurance coverage. We’re here to help you make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget. Call our office today.

Commercial Insurance and Other Strategies to Protect Your Business

Commercial insurance is a vital initial step in ensuring your business can endure any hardships. However, it’s not the only strategy you should employ as you start and scale your business. How you prepare your business for challenges ultimately plays a key role in whether it survives and in what state. If your business is in New Windsor, NY, and you’re currently only considering commercial insurance, the experts at Kalare Tech can offer additional advice that we believe will substantially strengthen your business overall.

Best Defense Strategies Alongside Commercial Insurance

An all-encompassing insurance package is an excellent way to protect your business from natural disasters or property damage. But what else can you do to safeguard your business? Here are a few other strategies that we believe are essential.

  • Invest in Security Systems: Security systems offer greater control over property access, provide constant monitoring to defend against crime and prevent internal criminal activities. A robust security system is a must-have for any physical outlet business.
  • Keep Your Digital Assets Safe: Almost every business requires a secure website and a way to protect important files and data. Hence, alongside a physical security system, effective antivirus, malware prevention, and strong website security offer substantial security for your business and customers’ personal data.
  • Train Your Employees: Incidents are more likely to occur on the job or in the workplace when employees are not suitably trained. Invest in employee training, and the positive impacts will be evident.

Defend Your Business With Kalare Tech

Everyone agrees commercial insurance is necessary, but finding the right policy in the New Windsor, NY area can be challenging. Thankfully, Kalare Tech is here to simplify the process. Compare quotes or reach out to us today!

Things home insurance covers and things it doesn’t cover

Home insurance provides a real feeling of security, and it does cover many of the things that might cause you problems. However, like most insurance, it does have exclusions. Knowing what those exclusions are is vital so you don’t get a nasty surprise when you file a claim. At Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, we are independent insurance agents, and our responsibility is to our clients, not to the insurance companies. 


Your home insurance is divided into four main parts. It covers hazards that can damage your home, content, liability, and where you will stay if your home is damaged. The coverage includes:

  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Some weather events
  • Loss of use
  • Content with limits
  • Liability

There are limits on this coverage. Your jewelry, art, antiques, and electronics are also limited. You can increase your coverage by endorsing your policy to bring it up to the level you require. 

Home insurance doesn’t cover:

  • Earth movement- This includes earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, and sinkholes. 
  • Floods– When water comes from a land source, such as a river, lake, or ocean, the flooding to your home isn’t covered. 
  • Owner neglect covers many different things- If you get termites, the problem is yours since you should get termite treatment if you live in an area where you are in danger. If your roof is old and leaks and causes damage to your house, this is not covered since the insurance expects you to maintain your home and replace a worn roof. Mold is another damage that is often considered owner neglect since it often results from a water leak behind the walls. 

Contact our office at Kalare Tech in New Windsor, NY, to discuss your current and future home insurance needs.